domingo, 11 de enero de 2015

Christmas Activity

To celebrate Christmas my group of friends and I made this activity:

1. Prepare the materials:

2. Create one big christmas tree:

3. Create some decoration bols:

4. Once in the classroom, put the tree empty on the wall and give each student one decoration.
5. Ask the student to write a wish on their decoration.
6. One by one, come to the front of the class, read their wish and paste it on the tree

Finally, this is the result:

Hope you like it!!!

jueves, 8 de enero de 2015

Showing Respect

To introduce this topic, one of the options is to know all the people that help us in our everyday lives, we could have a poster to help them become familiar with the importance of the persons who help us:

They could explain some experience with one of the persons in the poster to let the others understand each job

Sharing and participating

The class routines could help in this case too, to teach them that they must share and tidy up for example, it would be a good learning if they do it every day, they can have turns, two or three students each day have to tidy up, and remember the importance of sharing, the classroom material it’s for all the students.
Activity to share: 

-          Have a poster like this one, and when it’s time to share ask the students to share something with their partner. It’s an easy and fast activity and we can change the word “share” for another one anytime.

Behavior patterns

Behavior patterns are very important in a good education, one activity we could make with the student to learn to say “thank you”, “sorry” and “please” is the next one:
-          Individually each child will cut three hearts in a color paper, and write in it the words please, thank you and sorry, one in each heart.
-          Then we will paste a straw and if we want some more decoration, it will look like this:

-          When the words are ready there are different games we could do, as for example, the teacher reads some sentences and the students have to show the correct word in each case:
o   I open the door and I let you pass first (thank you)
o   You hurry up and I’m in the middle of your way (sorry)
o   You ask me to let you borrow my pencil (please)
§  And so on….

-          It also could be worked in pairs or in small groups.


To work with the feeling it would be great to have a poster – display with the different emotions than children can identify easily depending on their age.
They could make their own feelings drawing them or we can give them the poster done, and work with it every day.
One option is to ask some of the children how they feel today, and that way they will became familiar with each feeling along the year.

There are a lot of activities we could do working with the faces and the names of the feelings, they can work in pairs or in group to also work with communication patterns.

Greetings and goodbyes

As I said before, children should know how to behave when they arrive to class and when they leave. Here are some easy songs to learn with them to say hello and goodbye: (good morning – year 1 and 2) (good morning – year 5 and 6)

Class Routines

                                   Class Routines
Having a poster with all the class routines it’s an interesting way to make them remember everything they should do during the lesson and at the end:
-       -   Listen
-       -   Raise your hand
-       -  Be quite when teacher is talking
-      -  Tidy up
-      -  Don’t be noisy
-      -   Share with others
-      -   Help our friends

There are also another ways to have with children class routines, like singing a “good morning” song every morning, or before going out the classroom have them in a line, put their coats and bags in the right place of the room, etc. If we always do the same, they will learn it as an everyday routine.

Kensuke's Kingdom


Nice story for 6th grade children. A lot of new vocabulary and a very interesting reading.

There is a webpage where you can make your trip plan, In this story the characters travel around the world, so it's a good idea make a tripline of the story. You can add photos and some description, if you want, in each stop (city or country).

Visit mine;

The true story of the three little pigs

We can work this book comparing the story with the one that everyone knows:

Doing one Venn Diagram using the Kidspiration program it's easy to see the similarities and the differences of both stories.

As you see below, there are many ways to do the venn diagram, with only words, only pictures or both.
We can also make the description of the differences and similarities using the program that I mention:

Here you have the examples:

miércoles, 7 de enero de 2015


The very hungry Caterpillar

Using also targets to work the different books, working word level, sentence level and text level:

To be able to do this activities, children may know the story of "the very hungry Caterpillar", and have the story near them to be able to check their answers:

Sentence level:

Text level:

Word level:

The very hunfry Caterpillar

A lot of different activities to work with this book:


O W L chart:


Word bank:

Work families:

Lazy Jack

With kidspiration we can make some character analysis of some of the most importants characters in the story:

Songs and Chants

Personal Hygiene

-          Understand and respect dining-room rules like: “wash your hands before you eat, “brush your teeth after eating”
We can sing songs with children to make them understand the importance of the personal hygiene, and it will also improve their vocabulary in English:
This song also has movements that will help them understand the meaning and will keep them awake and paying attention:

When do I wash my hands?
Wash your hands, face, teeth, and hair:

How to start a lesson

The most important thing is speak in English from the beginning of the class, that way children will get used to it and they can realize what are you saying, learn by hearing every day similar “welcomes” or “good mornings”, and repeating some of our words or sentences, and their answers.
There are many options to start a lesson, but the first thing in all of them is to welcome our children and introduce what are we will do.
One option it could be like this:

Teacher: “Good morning everyone! How are you today?”
Children: “Good morning teacher! Fine. How are you?”
Teacher: “I’m fine, thanks. What’s the weather like today?”
Children: “sunny / rainy / cloudy….”
Teacher: “And today is……”
Children: “Monday!”
Teacher: “All right! But what time is it? Am I late?”
Children: “No, you are not, its nine o’clock!”
Teacher: “Okay! Very good! Now let’s check the roll…..”

The teacher can do the questions in different order every day to make sure they understand and it’s not just by memory. The questions can be ask to all of them or to each one every day.

This may be a very usual way, but by my point of view I think it’s good to have a routine to start, and maybe change it every week/month by adding new questions, or songs, as they improve their level.

The Duck proyect

One of my favorites!!!

Here you have the link to a very funny song with the story of a Duck and a man in a Lemonade stand:

-Link of the song:

You can work this story in many ways, I show you how we did it:

First of all listen to the song and also read the lirycs and sing it! it's easy and very funny!!

Then we can make our own duck with this:

 They can color, cut and paste, doing their best duck!

Then, with the ducks they can do the theater od the story, having one child at the lemonade stand and some of them doing the duck, each day one different child, so in small grups they will be able to learn the song, and have fun!!

Hope you enjoy it like I did!!!

Phonemic manipulation

Playing with this kind of games will help children learn while having fun!!!

Blending phonemes to make sounds

Sound it out Song


How do you sound it out?

How do you sound it out?

Say all the sounds

And then you drag ’em out

/r/ /u/ /n/

/rrrrrrrrr/ /uuuuuuu/ /nnnnnn/

Run! Run! Run, run, run!

How do you sound it out?

How do you sound it out?

Say all the sounds

And then you drag ’em out

/j/ /u/ /m/ /p/

/jjjjj/ /uuuuu/ /mmmmm/ /ppppp/

Jump! Jump! Jump, jump, jump!

Ending sound

To recognise the last sound of the different words, we can work like this with children:

Having different words with different last letter but some of them same last sound, they have to identify the last sound and make a list below:

Sillable game

First of all, children may read all the words, together or one by one, then try to guess and make different groups of sillables: they will have to separate the words and put each one in the correct group:

Fun with rhymes

Let's see another activity to work rhyme with children, they have to complete the sentences with the words at the top:

Compound words

To work this item with children, here you have an example of one activity they can do on smartboart. They have to choose one of each side and put it in the middle together, then check the answer at the next page:

Nursery Rhyme

Topic: Numbers

One way to introduce this nursery rhyme into a classroom would be this one:

Good morning everyone! How are you today?
Do you remember what did we learn last week?
We learnt the numbers, until ten, very well…
Let’s see if you still remember them singing all together, are you ready?
Please from number one to number five on the list, can you come to help me? (Each children will have two number cards to show when we say the number they have)

Meanwhile the rest of the class and the teacher will sing doing some gestures like these ones:

Level 7 - qu, ou, oi, ue, er, ar

Activity to work the sound "qu" using smartboard:

To work all the sounds in level 7: